Practice Areas

Consumer Class Actions

Mahoney Law Group handles consumer class actions in both state and federal courts, brought on behalf of a class of consumers. Our attorneys have a well-established track record.

Consumer class action cases include false or misleading advertising and unfair business practices. Mahoney Law Group has represented consumers in areas, including health care, beauty products, credit reporting, and cable services.

No matter the complexity of the case, we conduct a thorough investigation of the potential claim and devote the resources necessary to ensure that all lawsuits we file are vigorously prosecuted.

Consumer Class Action

Our firm provides legal advice and representation to nationwide clients in a wide array of situations, including:

  • Consumer Fraud and Defective Products
  • Credit Reporting
  • Data Breach
  • Mislabeled Foods

Contact Us

If you believe you were somehow deceived into purchasing a good or a service that did not do what you were led to believe it would do, please call (562) 590-5550 or Contact Us.

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